Beiträge von Peekachu

    Its about how you play, it looks like Silver1 but you know every1. I have other Clips aswell which i wasnt able to recover, you got called out multiple times. You felt back from a flash short and expected someone to push, which he did, but shifted. etc

    "To address the matter of boosting my hours. LMAO didn't even know I could boost hours with local games ty for info."

    I literally never saw a StatTool reporting more hours than steam itself and im doing this here since ~1Year+. When you start lying we start to dont care.

    Yeah i saw that with XGC,

    I also saw you got another Ban for wallhacks here:…hText=joyce&Submit=Search

    You have 15k points therre aswell ;))


    Chathistory is banworthy anyway.

    Ingame Level 16, Keine Medalien, bist zwar FaceIT Level 8 aber mit "nur" 198 Matches und basically kein Ingame Fortschritt, somit max. 300hr und 100% smurf.


    12) Ban Guidline

    All goodlike Shit accounts / smurfs get a perm Ban, without wasting time in taking demos / observing them

    Suspected Accounts with an active VAC Ban in last 365 days > perm ban

    Suspected Accounts under 300 hrs and no faceit > perm ban * CS:GO ONLY

    Suspected Accounts with hidden infos and no medals > perm ban

    Du bist basically unter 300 hours + ein smurf + hidden infos. Sry. Meinerseits Unban geschlossen, komm mit dein Main - oder lass es. 200 Matches und FaceIT 8/9 mit nur Ingame 16 bedeutet das du max 300hr hast - wie oben erwähnt. Alles andere wäre geboosted - Macht auch jeder einfach so ohne vorhergehende Spielerfahrung ;)wird schon sein Grund haben das dus private hast und auf so'n Account spielst ;)

    You can chat, its fine. Just mute toxic people and be like you'd like to other people want to be to you. HF&GL and enjoy your stay further :)

    i have been playing on this server for sooo long why would i cheat now after like a total of 30+hours on it lmao

    Connection Time: 0d 01:59:20h

    2hours are close to 30 i guess.

    @ Peekachu

    How does it feel false banning people and not even looking at their proof that they aren't even cheating lmao

    Ive recorded you. You have a 0,55 KD on FaceIT and on our server. Your crosshair placement is awful, youre aim flicks around when you shoot and that unnaturally.

    I got suspicious about you in the first place because i popflashed djungle, jump peeked and you SCOPE AWP'ed me in the head, fullwhite.

    I probably checked you more extensively than you think. 560 HRs spent ingame, 0,55 KD on FaceIT, lvl2. 2 year old account. 5 cent inventory.

    soo is anyone gonna even look in this ban . or are you not going to just so you don't make your staff seem like idiots cuz it's 100% a false ban and i have video proof haha

    Its our service, our rules. You accept them by playing on our servers. If you dont like them or dont agree youre anyway not allowed to play at our service. The only one seeming like an Idiot is you, crying around. Video Proof of what? You can record everything and aswell turn off for 1-2 Clips. Even our serversided anticheat banned you once.

    Are you a kid or an adult funky? Just mute the people who piss you off. Harrassing back is a teenage-thing. Just smile back or ignore them and you will have more fun.

    Also your thinking "So it's okay to harass people but not okay to harass back?? If you don't want to be treated that way, don't treat others like that in the first place."....

    Sure priv.paula may not acted according to the rules, but you awell not. Your ban -, atleast i think, but i didnt caused it and im not involved and didnt read any chathistory - got speaken out probably because you wrote immediately "bitch boi" in our shoutbox back to his report + your chathistory.

    Also chathistory just tells half of the story. Either or could be the starter via VoiceChat, may he played badly and you laughed. Sure enough he may get toxic back. Just an example.

    You even deleted the Accounts that, accordingly to you, not belong to you from your FL, not even obvious mh?

    You shared names that dont appear often and exactly the same way at around the same dates. Name was: < blank >

    My analyzer searches for exact matches, so < and the whitespaces are neccesary to match you to the other.

    Your VAC Smurf gets banned and from that point on you improved your skill from 3 to 9k with session times less than ever.

    And now youre saying you played games with that account via FaceIT and its your friend, but you delete him as you request an unban AND dont even have him friended on FaceIT?

    And then i checked ~25 Games of his 33 Games and youre to be found nowhere.

    Der Account?…e=playerinfo&player=27108

    Mich bannt es auch nicht mit dem dortigen Einstellungen, ich bin aber auch clean.

    Ghost hat bisher niemanden sonst getriggert, jedenfalls bei mir und gefühlt jeden anderen mit normalen Accounts nicht. Bei seinem Account glaube ich auch eher das liegt nicht am AC X)

    50 Kills zu 9 Tode und schon 2x HG ban... garnicht obv oder? Und Ghost-Mode + bhop ??????? Account ist nichtmal 1 Monat alt noch dazu.......



    Kk dann behalte ich für mich einfach diese monatlichen Threads weiter da ich sowieso die meisten CSGO-relevanten banns habe :D

    Naja no offense aber du musst ja für CSS nicht viele machen :D Ich wiederum finde es nervig zu jeden Bann einen einzelnen Thread mit der Tabellez u machen und viel zu aufwendig und unübersichtlich mit ~500 Threads im Jahr - so wären es deutlich weniger, übersichtlicher und weniger aufwendig. :P Wenn du den Hauptordner der Perma-Bans anschaust siehst du sogut wie eh nur mich ;D Du z.B. könntest ja einen Jährlichen Thread für dich aufmachen statt auch einzelne zu posten wenn lexo die idee gut findet bzw man macht einfach generell für jeden Monat des Jahres einen Thread auf und jeder Admin kann ne neue Zeile hinzu editieren für die dementsprechende Monate statt alles einzeln

    Peekachu's Bans for 1.11.2020 - 31.11.2020

    Novembers Google Drive

    4th Strike Bans are marked with ^ Smurf Bans are marked with #
    Cheat Bans are marked with *

    Steam Community Source Bans Evidence reason
    Additional Information about the Player
    # zxnfps - Smurf from MaximHere
    1100 hrs but boosted and my investiagtion resulted in approximately 500 real hours, FaceIT Level 2 with 15 Matches and 1.02 KD but didnt played there a long time
    * BosnianSoldier
    Google Drive
    Fishy plays and then i saw his movement. He strafed like he had 5hours, but barely missed any shot and had insane corrections and spray transfers. Empty Profile, 2020 Medal x1, he never bougt a game and leveled CSGO to Prime F2P, No FaceIT

    LMS - at first he was 0/16 or so, suddendly he hits everything. When i was dead i saw him hopping around, and wanted to go spectate him. follow up round he was my enemy and got stuck in kitchen-hole on trying to hop through. He hopped like 5-6 times in half a second in Kitchen-hole itself, which is 1000% script or macro. Smurf rule aswell.
    Private hours, ingame lvl 18, hacked ACMs and FaceIT level 1 with 30matches, 0.8 KD
    # bember - Nothing on his profile, not even buyed CS. Ingame LVL21 fresh prime account Nothing on profile, imgame lvl21, no buyed CS, 7friends, Account is created on 29.03.2018 - owns no Games seeminglky because he has no Badge that he buyed a single game when he got banned
    # sugoimeg - I had a covnersation with him and he seemingly has a VAC Main banned 700days ago on the day he got banned on our service. He claims to play Valorant and many other FPS shooters since then and now came back to CS. I had another conversation with a mate of him, see attachments[1].

    Account created 23.07.2020 so its 4 months old when he got banned
    * SonYaraki Google Drive Fishy plays, looks like cheats and Smurf rule anyway Empty Profile, FaceIT LVL1 with 30matches, 0.66 KD - Account created 19.04.2020, so its 7months old when he got banned

    ГУСЕЙН ГАСАНОВ Google Drive bhop / autostrafe FaceIT Level2, 2 MAtches 0.4 KD - 14 / 44 friends banned (34%), Acc created 22.02.2020 - 9 months old - weird looking strafes and always on point bhops paired with looking into the ground and no clue of the game, see evidence
    # Yankee - "Du hast keine eier du hurensohn ich ficke deine mutter ...." etc - hat auch nur 15h auf dem Acc, kann weg bleiben.
    14hr, 1game, 3friends.
    # scareless - Probably walls, but banned for smurf tho
    VAC 650 Days Ago, 250hr on Account
    * foxhub Google Drive
    Wallhacks FaceIT level1, 120 matches, 1KD - 33/120 Friends banned, 1200hr
    # xjk
    - Smurf Ruling, i asked for main and he said "you could say that here is my main" -- Unban Requested: 13.11.2020 - Seemingly has a VAC banned main. We will se again when he Fresh up his profile, get some hours legit without AFKin etc - in that matter for back-calculation: 1299hours on request day with 89,5 hrs last 2weeks
    1200hrs but theyre boosted he really had about 200hr when he got banned, ingame LVL 21 so fresh prime, no buyed CS etc
    * Dennis
    Google Drive
    Aimbot/Aimassistance FaceITlvl1, 100 matches 1kd - everything else private
    # Mr. Dudets - Smurf Ruling, didnt bought CS, 9 friends and all private. Didnt respond while asking for main.
    9 Friends, all private, didnt bought CSGO - didnt respond by asking for main. FaceIT 1 Match with 0,06 KD.
    * ルカンク, im Video Honved Google Drive
    Aimbot/Assistance 2103 Hours, FaceITlvl4 140 matches 1,2KD didnt played for longer times, he does but on and off tho and not as good as before
    # r1se Google Drive
    Aimbot/Aimassistance 535 hours, 8 friends, no FaceIT - on convars 0,7 KD and 40% HS normally, suddendly he spikes to 0,9KD+ and 55%HS+ aswell. In the VIdeo you can see him once lookin Apps with a AWP, when he leaves the scope he is without animation locked on a guy on short.

    #ID Attachment Description
    sugoimeg's friends conversation.png Convesation with a friend of sudoimeg related to his Account(s)

    1x Lexo - Call Abuse - 1day

    1x Ich - Insult - 1day

    1x AntiCheat für BHop - 1hr

    1x Permanent für insg Call abuse + vorgeschcihte von Lexo

    ----- Unban durch mich auf absprache mit Lexo

    Dann fishy plays, Videos nicht mehr vorhanden da Fall schon lange abgeschlossen.

    2ter Permanenter Bann.

    Alter Unban-Antrag: Entbannungs antrag

    Alter Unban-Antrag 2 : unrecht gebannt von der Console


    Hat nix mit mir zu tun :)

    Sehr gute Admins. Weiter so Jungs. Hahaha wenigstens weiß ich jetzt dass mein Aim echt krank sein muss lmaoo

    Aber aufm Profil erstmal

    ""𝙞𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙞 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚" シ"


    "I don't recall you asking" That is literally perfect English.And as you can see I cleared my alias history and not it shows "No recent names could be found" But please do continue making a fool out of yourself. and if you're gonna deny every piece of proof I provide, you're just wasting my time, you can go on the website and ask them for proof, as of now, holy fucking shit your service is horrible when it comes to talking in a civil manner, keep using emojis and "XD" Genuinely pathetic. All I have to say now is git gud

    To be clear, youve wrote that, just messed up your quote: still shows historical aliases, sure it cant show recent aliases when you delete them. But historials are still there. Still like on my Profile i see my very first SteamID-Alias ive ever had back in 2007, even tho ive deleted my aliases on Steam houndereds of times... The only one beeing a fool is you.

    Also if I was cheating you'd think i'd be a higher faceit lvl than 5 :thonk:

    If you were rage-cheating probably yes, but then the ban isnt far away. Legit cheater with FaceITlvl1 exists thousands out there..

    All I have to say now is git gud

    Yeah, you too with your VAC and buyed accounts, bb

    You claim to have said when i asked, you have boosted your hours. You didnt.…chathistory&player=144642
    Proof for your Lie#1

    beside thatyou claim to never recall me asking.. Makes sense at all, who has a lack of language skills?XD
    At third,


    I didn't say I idled the hours myself, I bought the account late 2019,

    You did buy it,
    First known alias Adi.

    Random happens to buy a Account with the same name you use for years no?

    I'm LEM with a faceit lvl of 5 (recently going down from 6) and yes actually, I look a lot at people who go on the servers' ranks from their profile, as a lot of them have their ranks in their bio, and please for the love of everything holy, work on your English before you try to communicate, it's genuinely embarrassing, and yes my hours were idled just not by me, your lack of comprehensive skill is not my problem, so please do work on that before you try to address any lies that only appear to you as lies because of your lack of language skills, you can ask famous YouTuber Snipe2Die if I'm cheating or not, he's on my friends list :)

    S2D - 13k hours, "idling is my life" - beside that idc what he says. You always can start cheating especially on just community servers, you dont risk anything beside a dummy ban from one of thousand servers. LEM, FaceIT5 whatever, its a TeamGame. If you'd were level10 i may have taken that argument tho.
    And me thinking you lying isnt because of my "language skills", its just obvious... Bye now im done here ;=*

    PS: This screenshot doesnt proof anything for me tho. Easy fakeable email aswell.
    And even if not faked, who knows how many accounts youve brought to VAC already when youc asually buy a account x) :*