Beiträge von FlayX

    Name zH
    Steam ID STEAM_0:0:14589769
    Steam Community 76561197989445266
    IP address no IP address present
    Invoked on 28.11.2018 - 20:17
    Banlength Permanent
    Expires on Not applicable.
    Reason autostrafe
    Banned by Admin Flayx
    Banned from Web Ban
    Total Bans No previous bans
    Blocked (0) never

    - - Sourcebans - -

    Name StickyBoi
    Steam ID STEAM_0:0:193347548
    Steam Community 76561198346960824
    Invoked on 20.11.2018 - 19:27
    Banlength Permanent
    Expires on Not applicable.
    Reason Aimbot
    Banned by Admin Flayx
    Banned from [GG-Elite] ~ DEATHMATCH @ DUST2_UNLiMiTED ONLY ~...
    Total Bans No previous bans
    Blocked (0) never

    - - Sourcebans - -

    Name unnamed
    Steam ID STEAM_0:0:227810141
    Steam Community 76561198415886010
    Invoked on 12.11.2018 - 20:45
    Banlength Permanent
    Expires on Not applicable.
    Reason Aimbot
    Banned by Admin Flayx
    Banned from ✠ GunGame Turbo ✠ [GG-Elite]
    Total Bans No previous bans
    Blocked (4) unnamed, unnamed, unnamed, unnamed

    - - Sourcebans - -

    Name nera
    Steam ID STEAM_0:1:5286256
    Steam Community 76561197970838241
    Invoked on 28.09.2018 - 21:22
    Banlength Permanent
    Expires on Not applicable.
    Reason strafebot
    Banned by Admin Flayx
    Banned from #strafersonly ╰★╮ bTimes2 * Replay * style...
    Total Bans 2 (search)
    Blocked (0) never

    - - nera - -

    Name aa
    Steam ID STEAM_0:0:87647810
    Steam Community 76561198135561348
    Invoked on 28.09.2018 - 21:23
    Banlength Permanent
    Expires on Not applicable.
    Reason strafebot
    Banned by Admin Flayx
    Banned from #strafersonly ╰★╮ bTimes2 * Replay * style...
    Total Bans 2 (search)
    Blocked (0) never

    - - aa - -


    dieses balancing wird nie möglich sein wenn man die awp/autosniper auf eine person macht dann kommt irgendwann eine person z.b. ich die sich über die p90 beschwert einfach weil du 90 schuß hast und sogut wie kein recoil dann wird p90 raus genommen dann kommt die nächste waffe die net gebalanced ist wird nie ein ende geben so wie es ist ist es eig schon gut vllt einfach stamm noch ma hoch stellen das net jeder wieder god vip ist

    Name jimbo
    Steam ID STEAM_0:1:7888177
    Steam Community 76561197976042083
    Invoked on 12.09.2018 - 22:01
    Banlength 1 wk
    Expires on 19.09.2018 - 22:01
    Reason Inappropriate Language
    Banned by Admin Flayx
    Banned from ╰✠╮ Surf XDRE4M Only ╰✠╮ [Store,ViP,...
    Total Bans No previous bans
    Blocked (0) never

    - - Sourcebans - -


    ich komm rauf das erste was ich ins gesicht bekomme ist "flayx suck my dick"

    kein bock darum direkt 1 woche nachdem er 2 andere gecallt hat und mich auch noch in 2 min
    New report on server: ╰✠╮ Surf XDRE4M Only ╰✠╮ [Store,ViP,Surf,HLStats,uv (
    ReportID: 1
    Reporter: jimbo (STEAM_0:1:7888177)
    Target: PASTILLADOR (STEAM_0:1:10655476)
    Reason: Aimbot
    Join server: steam://connect/
    When in game, type !calladmin_handle 1 or /calladmin_handle 1 in chat to handle this report
    New report on server: ╰✠╮ Surf XDRE4M Only ╰✠╮ [Store,ViP,Surf,HLStats,uv (
    ReportID: 2
    Reporter: jimbo (STEAM_0:1:7888177)
    Target: ✯♛GEM♛✯ Welho (STEAM_0:1:48786474)
    Reason: Speedhack
    Join server: steam://connect/
    When in game, type !calladmin_handle 2 or /calladmin_handle 2 in chat to handle this report
    New report on server: ╰✠╮ Surf XDRE4M Only ╰✠╮ [Store,ViP,Surf,HLStats,uv (
    ReportID: 3
    Reporter: jimbo (STEAM_0:1:7888177)
    Target: FlayX (STEAM_0:1:79235945)
    Reason: Aimbot
    Join server: steam://connect/
    When in game, type !calladmin_handle 3 or /calladmin_handle 3 in chat to handle this report

    Name Manojoogo
    Steam ID STEAM_0:0:176609226
    Steam Community 76561198313484180
    Invoked on 02.09.2018 - 22:30
    Banlength Permanent
    Expires on Not applicable.
    Reason strafebot
    Banned by Admin Flayx
    Banned from #strafersonly ╰★╮ bTimes2 * Replay * style...
    Total Bans No previous bans
    Blocked (0) never

    - - Sourcebans - -

    20 Strafes Tick Difference Analysis
    MF: 5 MF2: 0 MF1: 1 MFP: 2
    TF: 15 TF2: 3 TF1: 2 TFP: 2
    Sync: 93.88 | 93.68 | 93.68
    Player: Manojoogo
    40 Strafes Tick Difference Analysis
    MF: 14 MF2: 1 MF1: 2 MFP: 0
    TF: 26 TF2: 2 TF1: 5 TFP: 2
    Sync: 95.82 | 95.44 | 95.44
    Player: Manojoogo
    20 Strafes Tick Difference Analysis
    MF: 11 MF2: 1 MF1: 2 MFP: 0
    TF: 9 TF2: 1 TF1: 2 TFP: 0
    Sync: 96.21 | 96.14 | 96.14
    Player: Manojoogo
    40 Strafes Tick Difference Analysis
    MF: 16 MF2: 0 MF1: 1 MFP: 7
    TF: 24 TF2: 3 TF1: 4 TFP: 3
    Sync: 93.48 | 93.26 | 93.26
    Player: Manojoogo
    ist aber teilweise afk
    40 Strafes Tick Difference Analysis
    MF: 16 MF2: 5 MF1: 1 MFP: 5
    TF: 24 TF2: 5 TF1: 4 TFP: 4
    Sync: 93.67 | 93.41 | 93.41
    Player: Manojoogo
    20 Strafes Tick Difference Analysis
    MF: 7 MF2: 0 MF1: 6 MFP: 0
    TF: 13 TF2: 4 TF1: 2 TFP: 3
    Sync: 92.36 | 91.90 | 91.90
    Player: Manojoogo

    Name Dream
    Steam ID STEAM_0:0:209727232
    Steam Community 76561198379720192
    Invoked on 18.07.2018 - 07:39
    Banlength Permanent
    Expires on Not applicable.
    Reason angelhack
    Banned by Admin Flayx
    Banned from #strafersonly ╰★╮ bTimes2 * Replay * style...
    Total Bans No previous bans
    Blocked (0) never

    - - Sourcebans - -

    Name sweet
    Steam ID STEAM_0:0:137895428
    Steam Community 76561198236056584
    Invoked on 07.07.2018 - 22:57
    Banlength Permanent
    Expires on Not applicable.
    Reason Aimbot
    Banned by Admin Flayx
    Banned from [GG-Elite] ~ DEATHMATCH @ DUST2_UNLiMiTED ONLY ~...
    Total Bans No previous bans
    Blocked (0) never

    - - Sourcebans - -

    Name alextrack2015
    Steam ID STEAM_0:1:441908125
    Steam Community 76561198844081979
    Invoked on 01.07.2018 - 13:58
    Banlength Permanent
    Expires on Not applicable.
    Reason Aimbot
    Banned by Admin Flayx
    Banned from ★ GunGame - Simpsons Maps Only ★ #1 by [GG-...
    Total Bans No previous bans
    Blocked (0) never

    - - Sourcebans - -

    Name Brazzers.Com
    Steam ID STEAM_0:1:32141119
    Steam Community 76561198024547967
    Invoked on 30.06.2018 - 20:33
    Banlength Permanent
    Expires on Not applicable.
    Reason Wallhack
    Banned by Admin Flayx
    Banned from [GG-Elite] ~ DEATHMATCH @ DUST2_UNLiMiTED ONLY ~...
    Total Bans No previous bans
    Blocked (0) never

    - - Sourcebans - -

    Name ;)
    Steam ID STEAM_0:0:186684013
    Steam Community 76561198333633754
    Invoked on 30.06.2018 - 20:32
    Banlength Permanent
    Expires on Not applicable.
    Reason Aimbot
    Banned by Admin Flayx
    Banned from [GG-Elite] ~ DEATHMATCH @ DUST2_UNLiMiTED ONLY ~...
    Total Bans No previous bans
    Blocked (0) never

    - - Sourcebans - -