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    You're saying I was running which is true for the first guy, I ran because he was close and surprised me (I clearly hoped for a lucky headshot or even if he was low) but when I moved my spray to the second guy I crouched still moving so that I could get behind cover. And those are two clips out of the hundred matches I've played on the server.

    And I have 1.6k hours on the game as you previously stated, I don't know where the 700hours went, it's not idle hours, only like 30 hours are probably idle from the majors back in 2016 and 2017.

    And for the deagle stat, I can't explain it, I use the deagle and don't shoot at random places, I guess? You can rack up kills from FFA servers and CQB maps. That's my take on the deagle statistic. And as for your accusation for me putting my crosshair on people through walls, that's just dumb, you can look at any player and it happens to them. I really have no idea where you see me aimbotting, I lose a lot of firefights. Look at your own demos, I am sure you've put your crosshair on people through walls before.

    Please just message me on steam or discord, takes too long to reply here.
    My stats probably doubled because my account was private. I have no idea if these websites work with a private profile BUT from the two clips you've sent there is absolutely nothing suspicious happening. It was obvious that the guy running to stairs will get behind cover so any normal person would be prepared to transfer the spray. I aimed at the middle of the box because I obviously didn't know what side he will peek from BUT I had the knowledge that he IS behind the box. the last part is just embarrassing I aimed CT but it was clear that he isn't going to be there.
    And as for the deagle statistics I have no idea what's your problem there? That just means I don't shoot into smokes with deagles.

    You wrote "Lethality 183%" That's not correct, the screenshot says 133,52.

    that clip is lil obv, yo. But i checked the others.. i think u got aimbot on keyXX .. so no unban, sry

    First of all, the clip is not " a lil obv" at all, you can clearly see I tried flicking to the guy on the right but the flick wasn't good enough. I never even put my crosshair on the guy you think I aimlocked to. What other clips? So because I could aim well on some clips means I have aimbot? Why would I keep coming back to a certain server if I had aimbot? Use logic. Stop banning people that kill you.